AFSA Bylaws and Meetings

According to AFSA Bylaws, the Board of Directors is responsible for managing the organization's business, affairs, and properties. The General Membership votes on two items: Bylaw Amendments and the Election of Officers and Directors.

General Membership Meetings are informational meetings where members have the opportunity to ask questions of Officers and Directors.  Motions that require approval must be presented and voted on at the Directors' Meeting.

Downloadable Bylaws Here (pdf version)
(full content below)


of the

(A Not for Profit Corporation)

Updated May 10, 2016

Article I

The name of this organization shall be the "Armed Forces Skeet Association" hereinafter referred to as "the Association".

Article II

The purpose shall be to maintain an organization for the promotion and encouragement of moving target marksmanship as a militarily useful sport, to teach safety in handling firearms, and to foster good fellowship among members of the Armed Forces.  A further purpose is to ensure continuation of the Armed Services Skeet Championships on an annual basis.


Section 1 – The Association shall be non-profit and operated exclusively for recreation and competition at arms among the Military Services, Retired Military and Military Veterans.  No part of any net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member thereof.

Section 2 – Pro rata interest in and ownership of all assets of the Association of any kind or character shall be vested in the members of the Association.


Section 1 – The business affairs, properties, and effects of the Association shall be conducted and controlled by a Board of Directors (BOD) who shall be elected by the membership as hereinafter provided.

Section 2 – The Board of Directors (BOD) will consist of the elected officers, Past President, and four directors; at least one of which will be a ML and MV from each service. One of the three service Retired Military or Military Directors from each of the services may also be the elected Service Director, on the board of the National Skeet Shooting Association. The NSSA service director may be Active or Retired military, each NSSA director shall hold office until his/her successor is duly elected. When a vacancy occurs on the BOD, another member from the same branch of service will be appointed by the BOD to fill the vacancy in accordance with NSSA by-laws until the next annual ballot of the membership, at which time a successor will be elected to fill the unexpired term. The Association President may also serve as the Zone 9 representative and the NSSA Executive Committeeman representing the interests of the only non-geographical zone, within the NSSA governance. Term limit is consistent with NSSA Directors.

Section 3 – Quorum.  Fifty percent (50%) or more of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4 – Installation. The Directors shall take office immediately following the official announcement of the election results.

Section 5 – Committees.  The President shall have the power to appoint such committees as he/she deems necessary for the conduct of the Association's business.

Section 6 – Meetings.  The BOD shall hold one regular meeting each year during the Armed Services Skeet Championships (5/09).  Special meetings may be called by the President or in the event of his/her unavailability, the Vice President.  Special meetings may be held via email communication with or without web support.

Section 7 - Proxies.  When a director does not attend the annual shoot he/she may designate an alternate director who will have full voting powers for that constituency at the annual director’s meeting.  The designated individual must be a member of the same constituency as the director who has designated the alternate director.  The alternate director must be designated in writing or printable electronic means to the Secretary prior to the board meeting.  This article applies to all authorized AFSA and NSSA directors.  A director who is registered as a participant in the shoot may not designate an alternate.  No one person may tender more than one vote at any director’s meeting.

Article IV(A) – OFFICERS

Section 1 – The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary (5/95) and a Treasurer elected by the membership for terms of two years.  The new officers shall take office on 1 July of the year of their election and shall hold office until 1 July of the year their successors are duly elected as described above.
Section 2 – Duties.    

(a)  Duties of the President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the membership.  He/she shall exercise supervision over the properties and affairs of the Association.      
(b)  Duties of the Vice President - In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall exercise his/her duties.  The Vice President is responsible for all computer and scoreboard operations associated with the conduct of the shoot, and reporting of shoot results to NSSA.      
(c)  Duties of the Secretary – The Secretary of the Association shall keep a record of the proceedings of the directors and membership.The Secretary is responsible for all Skeet Shooting Review articles for AFSA, the AFSA e-mail list, and the creation and upkeep of all AFSA historical documents.      
(d)  Duties of the Treasurer - The Treasurer of the Association shall keep proper account books, sign all checks drawn upon the depository, and receive and account for all funds of the organization.  At each annual meeting of the Association, the Treasurer shall submit, for the information of the members, a complete statement of accounts for the past year.


Section 1 – Membership is open to all individuals who are serving or have served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States, cadets (including students in college or university ROTC programs or armed services academies), and foreign military personnel. NOAA, USCG, and Public Health Service (PHS) personnel are included IAW public law. A valid military ID/CAC card, DD Form 214, or DD Form 256 must be shown during registration to participate in the Armed Services Skeet Championships. Membership in the Association is established at the initial attendance of the Armed Services Skeet Championship (ASSC). NSSA members who are registered as ML, RM, and MV are eligible to attend the association’s annual championship, but are not Association members until they attend one ASSC. The Association Secretary will maintain a roster of membership (ref Sect IV, 2, c).

Section 2 - No person shall become a member unless he/she is a member in good standing of the National Skeet Shooting Association.

Section 3 – A meeting of the membership shall be held during the Armed Services Skeet Championships.  A quorum for the annual membership meeting shall be 30 or more members.

Section 4 – The order of business at all meetings of the Association shall be governed by the provisions of Robert's Rules of Order.


The rules of the National Skeet Shooting Association shall govern the regular events at all registered competitions hosted by the Association.


These bylaws may be repealed or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the annual membership meeting.  The substance of any proposed changes to these bylaws must be posted for general membership review by noon of the day prior to the meeting where the change will be voted on.  Proxy votes are not permitted.